Workplace Wellness

experiences that empower, inspire, and engage

Unlocking the power of your people through well-being workshops and programs to help your business thrive.

What are the benefits of workplace well-being programs?

Employee wellness programs that encourage physical activity can improve the overall health and well-being of the workforce. Promoting physical activity in the workplace can encourage employees to be more active, reduce their risk factors for chronic diseases, and improve their mood and overall happiness.

Chi Me, Gentle Pilates & Yin Yoga are ideal practices for the workplace, low-impact movement involving breath work that, focus the mind and brings a wonderful sense of calm and well-being.

Services are delivered onsite - please email or call 087 3846062 for more details


  • Chi Me is a series of simple movements, linked together to create a gentle, flowing, and easy-to-follow tai chi-style class. It is suitable for any age group but is ideal for older adults, and mixed-ability groups.

    Chi Me has a wonderful calming effect and creates a sense of mental and emotional well-being.

    Benefits of Chi Me

    Improves balance and leg strength, reducing the risk of falls

    Promotes mobility in the ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders

    Promotes efficient breathing

    Is simple, easy to follow, and accessible to a range of ages and abilities

  • Gentle Pilates Class focuses on stretching, restoration, and gentle strengthening, suitable for all fitness levels, mat-based. This is an ideal class for a beginner, anyone suffering from tight tense muscle discomfort, nonspecific back, hip, or shoulder discomfort, or those recovering from injury.

  • Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles. It targets the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians. This is contrast to a Yang yoga practice such as Vinyasa yoga which targets the muscles.